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Mercurius elencticus, Number 1, 4th-11th April 1649 E.550[15]

having declared themselves so supreame a power, that the people of
England must acquiesce in them, with a set imagination that their
words are Oraculous, their Commands not to be disputed, and
their Actions unquestionably Sacred; Now they sing TeDeum to
their God Belzebub: And though in the esteeme of all morall men
they are the most merciless miscreants, trucklaus Traitors, and incorigible
Imps that ever God-permitted a people to suffer under for their
sin, yet to themselves they would faire seem pious, and have the
Vulgar to offer Incauce unto them, as their deserving Patrists, and
preservers, putting not their hands, but their necks under their
feet, though in truth the Athenians never hated their thirty Newuists,
nor the Syracufans their Diorty saj, with a more perfect Inveteracy;
the People seare them in deed for their, Tyrannies, but generally courses
and Imprevote against them, Octaturst dum metrunt, Let them expect
this Summer for a dread full issue of their horrid delusions; let them
expect generall rifus and revolt, and to be called to a Direct account
for all their horrid Impieties Savgon pro Sanguine clames, The
bloud of their incomperable Prince cries loud for vengeance.
Most Reverend Laud, and learned Strassords Ghost,
With all who in His Cause their lives have lost,
Tomkins, and Bourchier, Noble Capell, and
Becue Burly, who is lane, un arm'd durst stand
Gainst swarmes of Rebells for his Soveraignes right,
Cruelty martyrd by the Rebells frigot;
All these and many hundred faire soules more
At Jones soot Stoolt night and day implore
(With their late murthered Prince) that vengeance may
[unr] those to peeces who by bloud do sway;
love hath assented his Annointed one,
Plac'd on a sparkling bright refulgent Throne,
A wreath of Saphire 'bout his Royall head,
By Solomon, and Michael to be led,
Suting there shall behold those, traiterous Elves
Who in his ruine all have damn'd themselves,
Sinke into belly shales, and nought survive
Of them, save such vile Traitors one did live.
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