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Mercurius elencticus, Number 10, 25th June-2nd July 1649 E.562[18]

Numb. 10.
Mercurius Elencticus.
Communicating the Unparralell'd Proceedings of the Rebbels
at West-minster, and the Head-quarters, discovering
their Designes, reproving their Crimes, and advising the
From Monday June 25. to Monday, July 2. 1649.
------ Ridentem dicere verum
Quid Vetat?
Dublin's Besieg'd by Sea and Land
Her Citizens Dis-joynted;
The Saints amaz'd, and at a stand,
Admiring Nol-Annointed.
The Juncto must Resigne it's Seal,
By Cromwell's grand Decree;
For who so Wise, So Just, So Great,
So fit for Rule as hee?
The Stately-Counsell next to him,
Must sit to vote Damnation,
And Stuff our Noddles to the Brim,
with Wormes of Revelation.
Whil'st bee in Warlike Equipage
Like Guy of Warwick Rides,
In hopes t' extract a Golden-Age
out of his Iron-Sides.
Come away Sirs ! Let's cleanse our Cisternes and call the Tankards
bearers; for now that renowned Oliver is Elected king of Ireland;
how can wee otherwise expect, but that a mighty streame of Justice,
Righteousnesse, and Usqnebaugh will suddainly flow from the Conduit-Pipe
of his charitable Nose, and (like another Nilus) water the lieve-lesse
Plants of this Infant-State, and new Gospell; hee having a commission
from the Supreme Juncto, Ell-broad (at the leaft) but as deepe
as He[unr] is, fortified with the Great Butter-Print, and edged and pointed
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