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Mercurius elencticus, Number 10, 25th June-2nd July 1649 E.562[18]

of purpose to rip up and teare out the Bowels of the Body Politique; and
to fix the Head thereof on the Pinnacle of his Ambition, that the Generations
to come, may thereby learne how much beholding they were to
their fore-fathers [the reverend Cablers and Tickers of this Brazed-faced
Age] who are the only Chieframes that lead on the Honst of this
For what lesse might Ireland looke for, were shee not at Peace within
her owne Bosome, but divided or destitute of strength to encounter
these destroyers? Whil'it not only the Military , but also the Ecclesiasticall
and Civill Powers over that Nation doe all Concentre within that
boundlesse Gulfe of Cromwell to reader him the more dreadful and mighty:
and that Dr. Chamberlaine (the States Mid-wife) stands likewise
engaged to trot after him with his iron instrument at his Girdle, to Ease
the Labour of his Mistrisse, when shee Cries out, to bee delivered of that
Second Monster [Ireland's Reformation:]
Wherein no doubt but the wise Doctor may prove of admirable use to
the Common-Wealth, not only by the help of his speculum, to screw and
search into the dirtie britch of that common-Strumper, and read publique
Lectures of her private Fornications : but by dissecting the Carrion find
out the true Cause of all her knocks and distempers, when shee had the
Gonorrhea, how often the Morbus ------ (himselfe is so subject to) &c.
and prescribe Remedies proper and Seasonable.
Which yet must not bee altogether by Bathes, unlesse hee will maintaine
that Fundamentall Herefre (whereof hee accuses other men, better
learned then himselfe) which necessitates hot Remedies to hot Countreys,
as both England and Ireland are like to bee) contrary to that great
Canon of His Scripture; which tells him, contraria contreys curantur.
No no, rather then so, let Dr. Goddard (the Holborne mountebank)
by all meanes bee seat for; who out of a handfull of dead-mens-bones
can extract an universall medicine, which (having so neare an affinity
to Catholiques) must needs (if hee can but worke by it one tenth of those
miracles hee boasts to have done in England) convert the Irish, at least to
Judaisme, which is the next better, from chat worse Religion of the
saints; whereby hee will save more lives in one moneth then his brother
Chamberlain pretended he could by Bathes, in a whole yeare; if hee
had the Monopoly thereof, which once hee humbly prayed for on his
Indeede all will bee little enough, considering how things goe in
Ireland; which that you may know the truth therof, take this following
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