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Mercurius elencticus, Number 19, 27th August-3rd September 1649 E.572[15]

Mercurius Elencticus.
Communicating the unparralrll'd Proceedings of the Rebbels
at West-Minster, and the Head-quarters, discovering
their Designes, reproving their Crimes, and advising the
From Monday Aug. 27. to Monday, Sept. 3. 1649.
-Ridentem dicere Verum
Quid vetat?
What if great Noll Arrived bee,
In Dublin? Bee it Knowne!
Hee must Dispute the Soveraigntie,
Before hee weare the Crowne.
What though George Wither's croaking Notes,
Their Actions Magnifie?
Alas they wither as hee Dotes,
And both together Die.
W' have new Devises, Plots and Ginnes,
To wind the Juncto hence;
Curb, Rack. and Plague them for their sinnes,
And turne their Crownes to Pence.
Cheere up! Why then should wee complaine?
A Fig for all their Fasting!
For true it is, * All Tyrants Reigne
More grievous is, then Lasting.
*Equidem ego
cuncta imperia
crudelia, magis
acerba, quam
[unr] abritror.
YOU May bee pleased to remember how some weekes since I gave
caution of one Thompson, who is an assistant to Varney in betraying
the Royall Party: Since which I understand that some have supposed
one Mr. Thompson (a Templer and a very honest Gentleman, as I am well
informed) to bee the man; but such are mistaken; for this acquaintance
of Varneys (howsoever dignified with the title of a Captaine in
the Kings Army) is a fellow of obscure Parentage and no breeding,
unlesse it were in a Hog-Stie, for hee can neither Write nor Reade, being
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