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Mercurius elencticus, Number 19, 27th August-3rd September 1649 E.572[15]

that their Estates shall bee confiscated, and their Persons proceeded
against as Traitours and Rebells: and that all such officers as have so
Betrayed their Trust, bee Proceeded against by a Court Martiall
And this (as they imagine) very Prudentially to deterre the Souldiery
from discerting oliver, and the Kings good Subjects from Aiding &
assisting him, against their Tyranny and Oppression. But the Juncto will
find it is not a Paper Kite that can fright the Royaltists out of their Allegiance
to their Lawfull King, whom they so barely and scornefully mention
by the name of CHARLES STUART, whil'st themselves (who
till now could never away with Lordly Dignities) usurpe the Titles of
Lords and delight to bee stiled high and mightie, the Supreame Authoritie
of the Nation.
Nor is it lesle to blind the eies of the Silly People from discerning their
under-hand Jugling with Owen Roe, first by the Meanes of Collonel Monk
and after that by Ceot (the Governour of London Derry) who by his Letters
of the 14, and 15. of August hath let them know (as if they never
knew it before) that Owen Oneale had freely made offer of his Assistance
for the Reliefe of London Derry, professing much affection to the Parliament
of England, and an earnest desire to use the utmost of his indeavours
for the maintenance of their Interest in Ireland; and to induce him to that
beliefe inclosed some Letters which hee had received from col. Monck,
whereby (faith hee) it appeared, that Col. Monck had not only accepted
of his assistance but had also furnished him with Powder; and that Owen
Oneal's Submission, to use the Parliaments Power was already accepted
by them - See now by this whether or no, they knew not of Monks
former Cessation with him.: - Now (quoth the learned Cost) calling
to mind, that it is no new thing for the most wise God to make use of wicked
Instruments to bring about a good Designe for the advancement of his Glorie. -
Hold a little! does God any where allow you to doe evill, that
good may come thereof? Or suppose hee did: Why then was it not as
Lawfull for the murthered King to make use of those wicked Instruments,
who were his Subjects, to Aid him against their fellow Subjects, who
were in Rebellion against him [their King] as it is now for those very
Rebells who by meanes thereof have destroyed his Person and Usurped
his Power to make use of the same (nay wickeder Instruments, by their
owne confession, then ever the King Treated with) to uphold and
maintaine them in their Tyranny and Oppression? And finding (faith hee)
our selves involved in this great extremit is, that wee must either Resolve
to bee Ruin'd and Destroyed, and with us the Parliaments Interest in these
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