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Mercurius pragmaticus, Number 41, 26th December 1649-9th January 1650 E.537[20]

From Tuesday Decem. 26. 1648. to Tuesday, Jan. 9. 1649. Nu. 40.41.
Readeer, these
Verses were intended
for last
weeke, but may
serve this.
Like jolly Slaves. yee godly Knaves,
Wee'l bid th' old-years Asian;
Old Sack and Things must passe away:
And so shall all your new,
Now for a No-King, or a New;
For, th'old (they say) shall pack:
The new may serve a yeare to view;
Like an add Almanack.
New Houses new; for, th'old-ones dose,
And have beene thriss made Plunder:
The SAINTS doe vote, and Act by rote,
And are a Nine-daies-wonder.
Then let us cheare this merr'y New-yeare;
For CHARLES shall weare the Crowne
'Tis a danm'd CAUSE that damns the Lawes,
And turns all upside-downe.
Nemo me impune Lacessit.
THE Saints ended the old- yeare with the shooting of Major Pichard, and last
weeke they would have begun the new with execution upon Pragmaticus by
no lesse then 40 Musquetiers; but alas they were mistaken; for, I am here againe,
and now I'll trusse up two weekes together, for the routing of the Mirmydons, and
all their Partakers.
Ther's old Trucking now at Windsor; for, the Saints keepe Mercas close within
the Castle, and offer the noble Prisoners the purchase of their Lives, if they
will part with their honours. If Hamilton will tell what Presbyterian Lords, Commons,
and Citizens invited him, then his head shall not be trimm'd by an Independent
Barber; If Laughern, Poyer, & Powell, will not contes what Members set them a
worke in Pembrokshire, then they vow to send each of them with a brace of sleas
in the care after their friend Major Pichard. If the three noble Lords, Goring, Capel,
and Loughborough, will continue as stubborn as Hamilton yet seemes to be, and
neither comply nor accuse his Majesty, then they shall trace the sad destiny of that
incomperable Paire, Sir Charles Lucas and Sir Gorge Lisle, and bring up the Catastrophe
of an infamous Tragedy: But if they will be good Boyes and play the knaves,
then they are fit Subjects for the Saints Mercy.
[unr] Robinson, Hum. Edwards, Greg. Clement, John Frye, Wagon Esqu[unr] Greg No [unr],
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