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Mercurius pragmaticus, Number 45, 13th-20th February 1649 E.544[9]

Numb. 45.
Communicating Intelligence from all parts,
touching all Affaires, Designes, Humours and Conditions
throughout the Kingdome. Especially from Westminster,
and the Head-Quarters.
From Tuesday, February 13. to Tuesday, February 30. 1649.
Good People rest content a while,
And see what We will doe;
Though of your Goods we you beguile,
'Twill ease you of your Woe,
Ricbes are got with Labor, kept with Care,
Wee'l take a course to ease you of that Feare.
What would you more? not yet content?
Have we not made you Kings?
Powers that make, may force assent,
And so Work wondrous things.
Wee'l make you Great, and Glorious as Hee
We lately rays'd to His Erernitie.
The King.
Ye Common-Slaves, give us your Coine,
Wee Souldiers still are poore,
We must have All[nl]; some Feast in Wine,
The rest shall serve to whore.
New Lawes, new Gospel wee'l make you at leisure,
And ask no more for them - men all your Treasure.
-Nemo me Impune Lacessit.
NAy since 'tis so, that WEE (the Common People) are your Lord
and Soveraigne King, We are very sensible, that the cause of
choosing you to be Parliament-men was to deliver us from Bondage,
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