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Mercurius pragmaticus, Number 49, 3rd-10th April 1649 E.550[13]

were more than the haires of his head. But when this treasonous Rebellious
Parliament comanded their plate,jewells,Bodkins, whistles, carerings,
and 52 Subsidyes at a tyme, Free Loanes, Lent money, Contributions
weekely rates, monthly sessements, and even to intrust their whole
estates, In the hands of the publick they did it willingly, and thought they
were the most happy that could speake the Loudest and bring in the
greatest summes and dedicate to their Idol Parliament, whose Councells
they adored as demigods, thus their Rebellion against God, disloyalty
to their King and Idolatry comitted with the trayterous parliament hath
brought this babilonish Captinity and tyrannicall joke of bondage upon
them exercised by those which ought to bee their fellow subjects. Then
London bee at length Loyall, shake this power of sword from of you,
or else it will be worse and worse, strive to helpe your selves and God
will helpe you, and all good men will assist you.
Then scorne Rebellion and for CHARLES declare,
And th'Rebels soone will fly from Westminster.
Tuesday Aprill the 3. John Lilburnes faction delivered the Petition
(which I spoke of in my last week booke)to the Parliament in behalfe
of him and his captived friends who are now Prisoners in the Tower
for publishing the first and second part of his new Chaines, the Petition
was read in the House but none of the Petitioners desires granted, onely
the Subscriber, names annexed, and so the Petition put of to be debated
another time, which will be when Rubynose and his aspiring Reprobate
faction please,viz. When the Devill's blind, thus the Levellers are now
likely to be fool'd, but I hope they will not be so served nor pocket up
such affronts quietly, for I heare there are severall Petitions from Johns
friends in other parts of the Kingdome, to which the Promoters of are
now getting subscriptions, it will not be long ere you see, if Petitioners
will not hold water sharpe demands will follow, and that will drive a
Designe to purpose, and peradventure draw some blood to quench the
fire of their division. Hartfordshire is much incensed, and will do something
for their Levelling brethren.
This same day a Petition was delivered to the Rebels by some Anabaptists
in and about the City, who did disclaime and disallow of the proceeding
of Levellers, and were very thankfull for the Freedome which
they injoy in their Religion, this Petition was well liked and they promised
as much liberty & protection at might be, for their incouragement.
Therefore you Levelling knaves looks well about,
Else Cromwell will destroy you with his Snout.
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