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Mercurius politicus, Number 93, 11th-18th March 1652 E.656[20]

At the last Provincial Synod at Edinburgh, there
were three Ministers appointed to reconcile the
differences in the Presbyterie of Lithgow, which
not taking effect at the Provincial Assembly now
sitting, it is resolved that the Remonstrators in
that Presbyterie shall acknowledge the St Andreans
and close with them, or else to be proceeded
against with all vigour. Some in the High Kirk
parts of the West are beginning to leave their habitations
and to retire to Argyle, who promises to
make terms for them, or other wise to make none
for himself. An Officer of ours in Perthshire being
informed that the Ministers there about did continue
to pray up the King, he sent for them, and signified
to them that he could not suffer such like
practisess; to whom the generality of them gave
answer, that in case their Commissioners did close
with ours and quit the King, they also would quit
him, and submit to the Ordinances of men for
Gods sake.
From Dublin, March 2.
We received Information from Commissary
Gen. Reynolds, that he marched into the Callogh
(being an Island, bordering on the West upon the
Shannon, and inviron'd on the other side with
bogs) where the Enemy had three Garisons, the
Countrey wholly under their command. Upon
his first entrance the Enemy quitted two of them,
and the next day surrendred the third, being the
Fort of Ballyleage, a place of much importance,
indisterently strong and capacious, and the only
Pass for horse over the Shannon, between Athlone
and James town; in the gaining of this place, there
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