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Mercurius politicus, Number 93, 11th-18th March 1652 E.656[20]

is gain'd 400 barrels of corn for the Forces at Athlone,
which we look upon as a seasonable mercy,
and likewise forrage for some Troops which were
in great necessity for want of Quarters; It likewise
interrupts the frequent conjunction of the Ulster
Forces, and Conaught Rebels, and gives them
good footing in the County of Long ford, which
hitherto hath been wholly possessed by the Enemy.
Cap. Scrimshaws Lieutenant with his Troop of
Dragoons, sell with the said Troop the last week
into the Enemies quarters, took a Captain and flew
30 of his men; Captain Gilbert, Governor of Tecroghan
took lately one Lieutenant Colonel Tirrel,
a notorious active Rebel, and 3 other Officers
with him: sir Theophilus Jones his horse forced a
Castle upon the Enemys, being a pass out of Westmeath
into Longford, put some found there to the
sword, and there being in the Castle 13. Priests and
Fryars, they leapt into the River (having about
them 2000 l. in money and plate) and there perish'd.
From Limrick Capt. Clark lately chas'd a
ship, called the faint Jacob of Middleburgh, (of 16.
guns, laden with wheat and Rye for the relief of
Galway) into the Isles of Aran, where shee lyes unserviceable
under water. Another small Barque laden with Wheat and
Rye and other commodities; with 6 Galway Merchants com
from beyond Seas; those seasonable losses will hasten the Reducement
of that place. From Kilkenny, That capt. Prestons
Troop chased capt. Nash a notorious active Rebell, and in the
pursuit took Nash prisoner; and kild 16 of his men. There
are several Parties to salon the Enemies quarters in wickloe,
in execution of the late Order, excluding them from protection.
By the enclosed you may see what good Order is
taken by our Commissioners.
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