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Mercurius politicus, Number 93, 11th-18th March 1652 E.656[20]

By the Commissioners of the Parliament of the Comonwealth
of England for the affairs of Ireland.
Vpon consideration had of the great supplies succour and
relief the Enemy daily receive from several Counties and
places in this Nation, under the protection of the Parliament
of England, their Army and Forces; whereby the War is prolonged,
the Enemy and their Adherents enabled to commit
daily Murthers, Robberies and spoils upon the English, and
such others as desire to live peaceably under the Parliaments
protection. For the better prevention whereof, The said
Commissioners of Parliament (upon advice and consideration
had, at a generall Meeting with sundry Officers of the Army)
do Order and Declare;
First, That all Smiths who work upon Iron for shooing of
Horses, making Ploughirons, Bils, or any other work: and all
Sadlers, Bridlemakers, Cutlers and Stackers of Fire arms; that
now do, or hereafter shall live out of any Garison, Cattle or
Fort possessed by any of the Parliaments Forces; shall, and are
hereby required and comanded within 20 days after publick
proclamation made hereof in the County where such persons
do live, to remove themselves and Families, their Forges and
Tools belonging to them, and by them used, into or within
Musquet shot of som Garison, Castle, or Fort possessed & kept
by som of the Parliaments Forces. And to that end the Commander
in chiefe in every County, or Commissioners of the
Revenue of that Precinct, or the Captain or other commander
in chief of every Garison, castle or Fort respectively upon
request made unto them by any person that shall in conformity
to this Order, remove his Habitation, family, Goods and
such Tools as above said; shal and may, and are hereby authorised
and required to permit such persons to live within the
said respective Garisons, castles or Forts; or within Musquet-shot
of the same, where the said respective Governours shall
appoint, there to use and exercise their Trades. And if any
such person after the time above limited shall reside, works
upon Iron, or use his or their said Trades otherwayes than in
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