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Mercurius politicus, Number 93, 11th-18th March 1652 E.656[20]

or within Musquet-shot of such Garison, castle or Fort as
above said; such person so offending shall for the first offence
forfeit and lose his Tools, and all other his goods and chattels
and suffer Imprisonment without bail or mainprize by the
space of 6 months. And shall for the second offence bee adjudged,
taken and deemed to be voluntarily ayding and assisting
to the Enemy; and suffer pains, of death.
Secondly, That after the time above limited, no person shall
sell or utter, or willingly suffer to be sold or uttered, any Bars
of Iron, or any unwrought Iron to any person whatsoever,
but within some Garrison, castle or Fort possessed and kept
by the Parliaments Forces: and that no such Iron be sold
without a Ticket or License in writing, from the Commander
in chief, or Governour of such Garrison, Fort and Castle,
specifying the name of the person so buying, and the quantitie
thereof, and the place where the same is to be wrought
and used, Which said Ticker, the said Governours or their
Deputies, in their absence, are to cause to be given freely, upon
demand and request, without demanding or taking any
thing for the same, upon the pains and forfeitures aforesaid,
to be inflicted on such person or persons as shall sell or utter
any such Bars of Iron otherwise than as above said.
Thirdly, that after the time above limited, no Smith
or other person shall sell or utter any Hors-shooes, or Horsnails
other than such as are, or shall be set on, and shod upon
Horses within such Garrisons, Castles or Forts possessed and
kept by the Forces of the Parliament, or within Musket-shot
of the same, without licence in writing first had from the
Governour, or Commander in chief, or their Deputie of such
Garrison, Cittie, Place, Castle or Fort where such Horseshooes
and Hors nails shall be sold and uttered, upon the
pains and for feitures aforesaid.
Fourthly, That after the time above limited, no person or
persons (other than Farriers, Sadlers, and other handicrafts-men
belonging to the Armie) shall make or cause to be made
any Pistols, Muskets, Fire-arms, Swords, Daggers, Skeans,
Pike-heads, Tucks, Semiters, Sadles, Holsters, Bits, Bridles
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