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Mercurius politicus, Number 93, 11th-18th March 1652 E.656[20]

or any other Amunition, Furniture, or other Instruments of
War, but in such Cities, Garrisons, Forts or Castles as are in
the possession of the Parliaments Forces. And that no person
or person, shall sell or utter or willingly suffer to be sold
and uttered, any Arms, Furniture of War, or other the premises,
to any person or persons, without a Ticked from the
Commander in chief, for Governour for the time being, of such
Garrison or place where the same shall be sold or uttered,
which Ticked shall express the thing to be sold, and the person
buying the same, upon the pains and forfeitures aforesaid, to
be inflicted upon such person or persons as shall make, sell
or utter any Instruments of War, and premises, otherwise
than as above said.
Fifthly, That after the time above limited, no person do
sell Ale, Beer, Wine or Strong-waters to any person or person
whatsoever, but within such Cities, Towns, Forts, Castles,
Quarters, or Places as are Garrisoned, Kept or Quartered
in by the Parliaments Forces, and during the time that
the said places shall be so Kept or Quartered in by the said
Forces, and no longer, upon the pains and forfeitures aforesaid.
Sixthly, That after the time above limited, no Fair or Market
be thenceforth kept or used, but in such Cities, Towns,
and Places as are or shall be Garrisoned, Possessed and Kept
by the Forces of the Parliament of ENGLAND at the time
of keeping and holding of such Fairs and Markets, or in such
places as are or shalbe appointed by the Commander in chief
of such Countie and Precinct, upon the pams and forefeitures
aforesaid, to be inflicted upon such person or persons that
shall buy or sell any Wares or other goods in the Fairs or
Markets aforesaid.
Seventhly, And it is further Ordered, That all Commanders
in chief in every respective Countie and Precinct, all
Commissioners of Revenue, all Governour, or Commanders
of Castles, so cause this Other and Declaration Published
and Proclaimed within their respective Quarters and Precincts.
And the said Commanders Governours, Commissioners
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