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Mercurius politicus, Number 93, 11th-18th March 1652 E.656[20]

of Revenue, and all other Officers and Souldiers, are
to put this Declaration in Execution, and to cause diligent
search and enquirie to be made after all such persons as Offend
in the premises, and to cause the persons so offending,
and every of them to be apprehended and committed to some
Garrison or Cattle where they may be kept with most securitie,
until due Trial may be had and taken of the said Offenders:
And all Commissioners for the Administration of Justice,
Justices of the Peace, or any three or more of them,
shall, and hereby have power to enquire, hear and determin
of the sad Offences, and of all persons offending in the premises,
as to Justice and Right shall appertain.
Provided, That no person or persons shall be questioned
for any of the Offences above mentioned, but within six
Months after the offence committed.
Provided further, That this Declaration shall not extend to
the Counties of Down, Antrim, London. Derrie, Donnegal,
and Fermanagh, nor any the Inhabitants thereof, other than
such places, and Inhabitants thereof, within the said Counties,
as the Commissioners of the publick Revenue of the said
Counties, or any three or more of them (at or before the
publication hereof) shall declare in writing, to be liable to
the Orders and Resolutions above said, and be subject to the
penalties and forfeitures above specified.
Provided also, That this Order shall be in force untill the
tenth of February 1652. and no longer, without further Order
or Direction therein from the Parliament of the Common-wealth
nf ENGLAND, or the said Commissioners of
Parliament, or others by the said Parliament thereunto authorized.
Dated at KILKENNY 13 January 1651.
Edm. Ludlowe. Miles Corbet. Jo. Jones: John Weaver.
From Dublin, March 5.
The Commissioners received a letter from Sir Charles Coot,
Lord President of Connaught, informing them that he had
received a letter from Clarrikard in Galloway, desiring a
Treaty, but in a very insolent confident stile; which (it
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