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Mercurius politicus, Number 93, 11th-18th March 1652 E.656[20]

do earnestly sollicite the Court to raise an Army by Land,
and withal to sall upon the said Kingdom; but they were not
resolved co return any more into Gandia, where they say the
Venesians are too strong for them but tis thought the Turks
will not do much hurt, if that be true that is reported: that
the Bassa Pester dim is risen against the great Turk, had ready
30000. men by him, and was come about Alepo, where he
was well entertained by the Bassa.
Weenen, the 21. Ditto.
By Reason that the Turks do gather some quantities of
Carres about the about the Frontiers: the Emperor (upon intreaty of
the Hungarians) hath appointed a meeting at Presburgh:
Some being making of fire-works in the Emperor's Magazine,
it was on the 15. instant set on fire, whereby many have been
hurt, and the master of it with divers others killed: Also
at Melnick in Bohemia is the Town of Ryhuisen, and another
Town about Rackavits wholy burnt.
Paris, March 1.
Here we understand from Catalonia, that Mareshal Lamotte
had already taken in the Church and Town of Terrase,
being a place of such importance, that there is good hope
of a breaking up of the Spaniards before Barcelona, out of
necessity; for in this place (being some 8 miles from Barcelond)
they had their Magazin of all Victuals and Amunitions:
And hath sent in as much provisions into Barcelona,
whereby they are sufficiently provided for 6 months.
Pomerania, February 29.
We hear that the Swedish are resolved to levy a body of
10000. men, and have 6000. of them ready, though not
without some difficulty to the States of the Kingdom.
Hamburgh, March 4.
From Prague, we hear that the Wolves do a great deal of
hurt, hive fallen upon one and twenty persons that
went to Church, and so hurted them, that ten of them died
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