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Mercurius politicus, Number 124, 14th-21st October 1652 E.678[19]

Numb. 134.
Mercurius Politicus.
Comprising the summe of all Intelligence,
with the Affairs and Designs
now on foot in the three Nations of
England, Ireland, and Scotland.
In defence of the Common-wealth, and
for Information of the People.
------ It à vertere Seria. {Hor. de
Ar. Poet.
From Thursday, October 14. to Thursday, October 21. 1652.
THis Kirk is so rent and torn within it self, that
the work of Combination (I see) will be very
difficult among them. The greatest party,
that is, the most factious, active, and violent,
are they that buffet the generall, Assembly that
sat it St Andrews, and voted in the King; and
this sort of men are either the Priests, or such as are led by
them, and at their Beck will runn through Fire and Water.
They are known here by the name of the Protestors, because
they at first withdrew and enter'd into an earnest Protestation
against that Assembly. But even this Generation of
Protestors are divided also among themselves, a great part of
the Laity or Gentry being fain off from them, and resolved
to own the Andreans. No less then 2. Counties (viz. Aire
and Ranfrow) are faln off at one time, being led by the
Gentry; but some of the most zealous Ring-leaders of the
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