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Mercurius politicus, Number 139, 3rd-10th February 1653 E.686[12]

of their folly, all of them are joyned in amity,
and armed with Resolution, The Dutch fleet
we hear not certainly where they are, the reports
of them are various.
From Paris, January 8. stilo novo.
The Scotish King continues here at the Palace
Royal, and like to abide there yet a while, finding
now that his Friends have fed him with vain
hopes out of the United Provinces; who made him
long believe that the States would at length be
induced to imbrace his Interests, & take the same
into their Quarrel with the Parliament of Engl.
but now they tell him a sad story, that they discover
less and less disposition in the States to own
him; unles he were in a condition meet to render
himself considerable by some visible Force of his
own, that he might yeeld them some advantage &
assistance. So that now he knows not which way
to steer; only lingers (betwixt hope and fear) in
expectation of some comfortable news from Wilmot
out of Germany.
A little before the time of the Armies drawing
into Quarters, it hapned that the P: of Conde took
Veruins; wherupon the Cardinal being loth to com
off on the losing hand, and the Kings Army being
not yet quite drawn out of the Field, but dispersed
up and down upon the Frontiers, and ready to
march away, he recollected them on a sudden, &
therwith setting upon Verueins contrary to expectation,
he carryed it in a very few dayes, before
the Pr: of Condé could possibly come to its relief.
This recovery being reputed sufficient matter of
Triumph, his Eminence immediatly dissolved the
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