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Mercurius politicus, Number 139, 3rd-10th February 1653 E.686[12]

Campania, and resolved at length to fulfil the Qu.
desires, and often renew'd Orders for his repairing
hither. On Sunday last he lay at St Germans, and
made his entry here the next day in the afternoon
And to shew how void of fear he was, and how
little he valued the discontent or hatred of this
City, he entred not by the Port de la Conference,
which is the nearest to the Louvre, and the Roadway
from S. Germans, but through the Port St Denis
which was about, and quite out of his way; so that
he passed through the very heart of this City, the
streets being througd with People notwithstanding
the wetnes of the season; & yet not one made
any Outcry against him, they being all over-awed
by the Kings presence.
This Entry was performed with greater tokens
of Royall favour, than ever was shewn to any subject
of France, for his Majesty himself went above
an English mile out of Town, attended by the
whole Court, and many members of Parliament,
where after many embraces he received the said
Cardinal into his own Coach, and brought him
in triumph into this City.
One of the Cardinals Neices, who is Wife to
the Duke of Mercœur, came hither a day or two
before his Entry, and the other two are coming
on, being both to be marryed. The Troops that
conducted the Cardinal to St Germans, are sent to
quarter in the Vale of Monmorancy, a very rich
place, about 4 Leagues distant from this City.
The Kings forces have mouldred much since the
time of their drawing out of the Field; becaus of
the sharpness of the season, and the great necessities
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