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Mercurius politicus, Number 139, 3rd-10th February 1653 E.686[12]

lying upon them; and therefore his Majesty hath given
order for the levying of 12000 men against Spring, to recruit
his, Army; and besides the Levies that are to be made
within the kingdom, be hath sent orders and mony into
Germany, to Gen. Rosa, and others, for the raising of four
In opposition to this, the like provision is made by the
King of Spain and the Prince of Condé, both in Germany
and the Low Countries, so that there is like to be hot doings
betwixt them next Summer: yea, the Prince of Conde hath
been so bold as to send divers of his Officers to this Town,
not onely to spy, but to draw away men into his service;
whereof his Majesty being informed, he this week issued
out a proclamation, for the finding out and apprehending
of all such Officers, and the executing of them by Marshal
Law, without any other form of proceeding.
The clamors of the Rentiers are now much augmented;
for whereas Commissioners were appointed by the King to
confer with them, that conference hath ended in much dissatisfaction;
they being told by those Commissioners, that
they must rest themselves content with that proportion
which they had allowed them before (though it were not
the one half of their due) in regard of his Majesties urgent
necessities. And his Majesty himself, that he might give
them to understand that this is his final resolution, he sent
command to the Provost des Merchands (or the Lord May
or) with the chief of the Citie to attend him a week past; at
which time he, by the mouth of the Lord Keeper) told
them; that they must acquiesce in the same resolution, and
that if they continued their factious Assemblies, the King
would take them for seditious persons, and favourers of the
Prince of Conde; whereupon some of them were so bold as
to reply, that to demand their own was neither, sedition nor
rebellion, nor could it be construed an abetting of the Princes
party. Moreover they continued their Assemblies as before,
notwithstanding the Kings express resolution to the
contrary, & a party of them went to the Parliament, following
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