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Mercurius politicus, Number 139, 3rd-10th February 1653 E.686[12]

Dear friends,
AFter it had pleased die Lord so wonderfully to appear
for his people, in owning the poor endeavours of
his servants as to the late Wars in Ireland and Scotland, and
by that glorious victory he was pleased to give us at Worcester,
this Nation being restored to such an unexpected
peaceable condition, It was the expectation of those that
feared the Lord, that some suitable returns would have been
made to the glory of God, the comfort of she godly, and the
wel being of the people of this Common-wealth.
But hitherto it hath been matter of sad lamentation, that
the good things hoped for, have not been brought forth among
us, insomuch that the work of the Lord hath seemed
to stand still, and all the Instruments thereof have been like
men of no might, or like a woman in travel like to faint for
want of strength to bring forth, whilest those that stand by
are waiting for the birth; Which Satan, the grand enemy of
God and his people observing, hath not been wanting to
stir up his instruments, to conceive new hopes, and by new
designes to endeavour the destroying of that interest the
Lord hath hitherto owned; and to set up an opposite interest,
which might reproach the glorious works of God,
and make the instruments whom he hath used, and blessed,
Whilest the consideration of these things lay sad upon our
hearts, together with the late miscarriage of our Fleet, it
pleased the Lord to put into the heart of the General and
Officers now at the Head Quarters, being of, and belonging
to the Forces in Ireland and Scotland, as wel as England, to,
seek the Lord together, and to humble our selves at his feet,
for those evils which might cause him to withdraw his presence
from us, and to manifest tokens of his displeasure against
us. And after several days waiting at the Throne of
grace, we were generally convinced,
That our hearts have been looking after the things of this
world, and our own private affairs, more then the things of
Jesus Christ and his people.
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