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Mercurius politicus, Number 139, 3rd-10th February 1653 E.686[12]

That we have been overtaken with a slothful spirit, and
growing weary of the work of the Lord, have been ready
to say with Baruch, Woe is me now, for the Lord hath added
grief to my sorrow, I fainted in my sighing, and I find no rest,
Jer. 45. 3.
That those that fear the Lord, both in the Army
and elswhere, have not in time of peace, so improv'd
their interest one in another as they ought
to the edifying of each other in love, as the Churches
did, Act 9.31. (Then had the Churches rest throughout
all Judea, and Galilee, Samaria, and were edified, and
walking in the fear of the Lord, and in the comfort of the
holy Ghost, were multiplyed.) But Have bin too apt by
evil surmisings and jealousios, to grieve the hearts
and weaken the hands of one another.
That the People of this Nation are subject to
grievous oppressions through the obstruction of
lustice; & that the Lord might say to us, for whom
he hath don such great things in England, as he did
to his Vineyard, Isa. 5.7. And he looked for Judgment,
but behold Opprossion; for Righteousnes, but behold a Cry.
That through the corruption of many in, places
of authority, some good men are made to suffer for
conscience sake; and many bad men take encouragement
in their licentious principles, & profane
practises; by reason wherof wickedness doth very
much abound amongst us.
Upon all these and the like considerations, we
have bin strongly convinced, that it is a duty very
much incumbent upon us to awaken our selvs, and
by all lawful ways and means to endevor the procuring
of these following things, which have bin
promised by the Parliament, and, as we are informed,
are under their present consideration.
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