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Mercurius politicus, Number 139, 3rd-10th February 1653 E.686[12]

First, for the preventing the many inconveniences apparently
arising from the long continuance of the same persons
in supreme Authority, That there may be successive Parliaments
consisi[unr]ing of men faithfull to the interest of the Commonwealth;
men of truth, fearing God, and hating covetousness.
Secondly, that the Laws may be regulated in such sort, that
what is good in them may be maintained, and the corruptions,
abuses, delays, vexations, unnecessary travels and expences,
and whatsoever shall be found really bur then some and grievous
to the people, may be taken away.
That liberty and protection may be given by a Law to all
the truly godly though of different judgements, to worship
God peaceably, without imposing upon, or molesting one another.
And that no encouragement be thereby given to such
as are Popish or prophane in the exercise of their superstitious
forms, and licentious practises.
Fourthly, that the Gospel of Jesus Christ may be dispensed
to all the people of this Commonwealth, and those that labour
faithfully in that work, receive all due countenance and encouragement.
And thus having freely opened our hearts to you, we earnestly
beg the assistance of your prayers (in which we trust
you will be frequent an fervent) that we many in all things
demean our selves as becometh us. And what the Lord shal
set upon your hearts by way of conviction either as to sin, or
duty, if you do communicate the same to us, we shal take it
as a sign of your acceptance of this our brotherly freedome
towards you.
We shal now commend you to the grace of our Lord Jesus
Christ, and remain your most affectionate Friends and
Signed in the name and by the appointment
of the General meeting of
Officers of the Army.
Thom. Margetts.
From the Hague, February 7. stilo novo.
Here are many Lords assisting from all parts; and besides
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