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Mercurius politicus, Number 139, 3rd-10th February 1653 E.686[12]

gone, and therby have given Cap: Badiley an oportunity
to join with our other ships.
A Report was made to the Parliament of an
Act of oblivion for persons in Scotland, which was
Committed. And it was ordered that in the said
Act provision should be made against Bondages,
Wardships, and other base Tenures of Services
in Scotland.
They ordered likewise the Augmentation of Ministers
maintenance to be transferr'd and setled in
the Committee for Plunder'd Ministers.
They passed the Act likewise, about providing
for the poor and setting them on work, and order'd
it to be ingrossed.
From Paris, February 8. stilo novo.
At Bordeaux they are fallen into new divisions
among themselves, and all of them are incensed
against the Prince Conti, for the exacting of a voluntary
Contribution. And whereas for the
better management of his demand, he applyed
himself to the several Curates of the City, to
perswade them to read a paper, drawn up to that
purpose, to the Parishioners in the several Churches,
to set forth the Reasons, and necessity of
the said Contribution; it so happen'd that the
Curate of St Peters Church, the principal Parish,
having begun the reading, to fulfill the Princes
desire, had his house beset the next night with about
40 armed men, who threatened him hard, and
would so have used him, could they have laid
hands on him, but that withdrawing himself by a
(back-dore, he made a shift to give them the flip.
The Duke of Vendosme having put out to Sea,
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