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Mercurius politicus, Number 139, 3rd-10th February 1653 E.686[12]

employs the Fleet against Brovage; and being himself
now at Xaints, he makes all manner of preparation
there against that place, for the surrounding
it by land, as well as by sea. But its thought
the matter will never come to that, in regard
Count d'Augnon is willing to submit himself upon
good terms, and hath powerful friends at Court,
who sollicit the King to accept of his submission
upon the conditions demanded; one of which
is that he may continue the enjoyment of his
Command in that place; which the opinion of
some is, it were better for his Majesty to do than
to let it fall into the hands of Vendosme.
The Holland Letters say, that the main of Tromps
fleet was still about the Isle of St Martins, otherwise
called the Isle of Ré, staying for the Merchantmen
that are to come to him from Bayonne,
Boroeaux, Nantes, Rochel, and other places, he being
also to take in others from Roven and other
Ports upon that Coast. The same Letters relate,
how that about three weeks since, the Danish Resident
at the Hague, propounded the annulling and
revoking of the Treaty made, about 4 years agoe,
betwixt the King his Master, and the States, about
the redeeming of the Customs of the Sound; which
Proposition of his at the first overture seemed
to trouble their Lordships very much, supposing it
had also impli'd a desire of abrogating the League
defensive, which they concluded with that King
at the same time; but the Resident having assured
them that his Master had no such intention, but
rather to enter into a more strict Union with
them, their Lordships have thereby received good
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