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Mercurius politicus, Number 139, 3rd-10th February 1653 E.686[12]

of Holland holds staff against admitting the interest o[unr]
the Stuarts, and of the House of Orange. The Lords of
Hollands are adjourned till the 17 instant, at which time they
will resume the debate of some materiall points, which are
now omitted.
It is rumor'd here, That a Fleet of English ships have bin
seen in the Streights; and how that Prince Rupert having
lately met with 5 Spanish Gallions, offered to board them,
but was repulsed with great loss [unr] & that afterwards he met
with an Hurricane, which dispersed and destroyed most of
his Fleet; which saddens the Cavalier and Princely party
in these lands, because they hoped to have made use of him
in some kind of attempt upon Ireland They harp after every
rumor, and catch at every thing to save them from drowning.
People here are even wild with reports of the great discontents
and differences in England; which causeth matter
of exceeding joy to its enemies, because their principall
hope and expectation lies that way. And yet they are not
all well united among themselves; for the two Princesses
Dowagers of Orange are at variance still, having had a new
trial in the Court Provincial, where a sentence hath been
passed on the Princesse Royals side, adjudging unto her the
revenues of Breda, with power to dispose of all the Offices
and Places in that town; which hath so netled the old Princess,
that she hath made an appeal from them to the Hoegen
Raed, or supreme Councell:
All that the States have done yet for the Scottish King
is, that they have ordered their Ambassador in France, to let
him know that their havens shall be free for his shipping;
since which time he hath ordered his Agent in the Hague
to request the States, that this licence of his may be notified
by publick proclamation; which as yet is not granted, but
remains under deliberation. It is strongly reported here,
that the Troops of the P. of Conde endeavour to take up
their winter Quarters in the Countrey of Luyck by the
Spaniards permission
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