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Mercurius politicus, Number 139, 3rd-10th February 1653 E.686[12]

Martins to the grand fleet, and so to Nantes, where some
Dutch men of war attend likewise upon other of their Merchants,
and so to come through the, Channel all together.
We have ranged all the Channel to and fro, and have
not seen any ship but this which we have taken.
From Paris February 15. stilo novo.
The Prince of Conde is stil about Stenay, keeping an ey upon
on the Frontiers, and giving over, all thoughts of going towards
Bordeaux; but he is said now to be gon toward Brusels,
having left the Duke of Lorain about Stenay to command
in his room The Marriage of the Cardinals nieces to;
the Duke of Candale, and Marshal Meilleray's Son, are like,
to take, effect.
About 7 or 8 small English Frigats are gone out of Brest,
to pillage about the Coasts of England and Ireland.
Charls Stuart and his mother are so discontent at the French,
applications made to England, that she exclaims of ill usage
here in France, and is all in all for his departure hence; which
he will endeavour to do by Easter. The Lord Wilmot is arived
at Strasburgh in Germany; he took Heidelbergh in hope
to see the Pr. Elector before he repaired to the Diet, but the
Prince was gon before him The Holland Letters in the hands
of your English Royalists, do boast how that the States
have it under debate, to block up the mouth of the
Thames this Spring, that you shall not have a ship peep out
then, nor all the Summer. These Letters are often carried to,
be shewn, betwixt the Palace-Royal and the Lovure, that the
great ones here might be induced to believe you very inconsiderable
in England as to the Sea.
From Quinborough, February 8. it is certified, that our Fleet
is gon for Sea. They have had hard gales of Easterly winds.
May a prosperous gale from above conduct them.
There is come forth this Term in Latin, in Octavo,
An excellent Tract, Entituled.
De Usu & Authoritate Juris Civilis Romanorum in
Dominiis Principum Christianorum, Libri duo.
Authore Arthuro Duke, LL. D.
Printed by R. Hodgkinsonne; and to be sold by him in Thames-Street,
over against Baynards Castle.
Licensed and entred according to the late Act fot Printing.

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