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Mercurius politicus, Number 152, 5th-12th May 1653 E.694[13]

Numb. 152.
Mercurius Politicus.
Comprising the sum of all Intelligence,
with the Affairs and Designs now
on foot in the three Nations of
England, Ireland, and Scotland.
In defence of the Commonwealth, and
for Information of the People.
------ It à vertere Seria.{ Horat. de
At. Poet.
From Thursday, May 5. to Thursday May 12. 1653.
From aboard the Resolution, off the Texell, May 5.
My last was off the North-fore-land.
We were then in expectation of a
sudden Engagement: But Providence
hath force ordered it, that Van Trump
and de Wist are both a head of us to
the Northward, with some Convoys
going out: And as for those that are
returning round about from France,
also the East-Indy ships, they intend no doubt to meet
[unr]n, and convoy them in. Yet you will (I doubt not)
[unr]erstand how God hath bless us, and, given us very gal-weather
to visit our Enemies coast; which, together
[unr]the taking of many Fishing-Bufies, that were newly
[unr] out to fish from Zirick Zee; I believe they are about
[unr] We have given a very strong Alarm to the whole
[unr]ntry, and They (no question) will fear an Invasion,
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