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Mercurius politicus, Number 152, 5th-12th May 1653 E.694[13]

and these Boats will (perhaps, be made use of for that purpose.
However, it is a great loss to the poor men of Zirick
Zee, and a disappointment to the whole Country,
they supplying Amsterdam and Roterdam with fresh Fish
I doe belleve ere long we shall meet with Tromp. The
Lord stir up the hearts of his People to pray for us.
From Aberdene, April 25.
We hear that Glengary hath bin from home about 24.
days, in which time he hath held correspondence with Mac
Aldon, and from thence is gone Northward into S[unr] to
Speak with Sir James Mardonald: but whether to seduce or
threaten him we know not.
Two days since, we had a councell of war, about a Soldier
in Capt. Couchet's troop which was supposed to have killed
a Scotchman; but the Evidence being frivolous the Councell
cleared him. As also about our new Coyners of Pew[unr]ter
half-Crowns; whose faules were somewhat hey nous, yet
we had no example for punishment so that we tryed them
upon the Eleventh Article of misde[unr]ors; And thereupon
it was conclinded they should have Forty lashes upon
their bare backs, and should march through the High street
of this Town with a counterfeit Half-Crown raised to each
of their cars; and that pieces of their Ears be cut off with
the Half crowns and nailed to the Gallows. The other Five
were sentenced to ride the wooden Horse, with a Musket
at each Heel; the space of half an hour, being found to have
been drawn on by the chief Actors, and were formerly reputed
very honest men.
From Regensborgh, April 24. 1653.
From hence no newes for the present; the Messengers
which are sent for Sweden are not yet come back, their
return being daily cupected. In the mean time his Majesty
the Emperor, and the Dukes here present are still resolved
upon the 17 of May, God willing to go to Augsburgh,
for the proceeding in the Election of a Roman
King, whereunto the 25. of the same month is appointed;
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