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Mercurius politicus, Number 152, 5th-12th May 1653 E.694[13]

divers of the Dukes were intended to depart
from hence, and not to return again till the Emperiall
proposition was made; wherefore it is
resolved for the containing of them here to take
in hand, and debate in the meantime, some considerable
businesses, much concerning the Roman
Empire, as especially the Evacuation of
some Lands in the Country of Munster, the Restitution
of Hammerstein, Homberg, and Landstool, as
also the dismission of all the Lorainish & Condish
Forces out of the Roman Empire; by which
means being kept in Employment, it is hoped,
that they will continue here together, untill this
considerable work, by Gods blessing, be happily
From Colen, April 29
Letters from Anewerp of the 25 instant advise,
That the Prince of Conde on the 23 dito was arrived
at Bressels, being with great State and mangnificence
received by the Magistrates and Citizens
of that Town. A ship very richly laden
with Oyls, Silver and other precious Commodities,
comming from Spain, is safely arrived at
Dunkirk, c[unr]ing great joy among the Interessed
therein. The raising for the Pr: of Conde wing on
very slowly there for want of money. The
Spanish which did he at Kerpen Castle (upon promise
of the Commander thereof, to defend and
maintain the same place against the French) are
turned back from thence on Thursday last, and
gone to Ramunde. It is thought the Lorainish
Troops in these Countries will shortly get order
to break up and depart from hence, the Spanish
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