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Mercurius politicus, Number 152, 5th-12th May 1653 E.694[13]

Army making ready with all the possible spe[unr]
to go out into the Field.
From Stockhelm April 9.
Her Majesty the Qu: of Sweden hath appointed
one of her Royall ships to attend the comuni[unr]
of the Extraordinary Ambassador from English
at Wismar. The Dutch have bin very diligent [unr]
prevent the spreading abroad of the plain tru[unr]
of the late Sea-fight between the English and
them; but Fame hath not failed the English an
great overthrow into our Court; it being sufficiently
known and believed both by peers and
Commons here, how great and considerable
their loss hath bin. The Polonian Chancellour
the Lord Radziviel, who after his coming back
from the Treaty between her Majesty and the
King of Poland at Lubeck, for a certain space hath
been residing at this Court, hath shew'd unto
our Rix-Chancellor his resolution, within eight
days hence to goe to London, having as he faith,
som what not unacceptible to communicate unto
the Parliament of the Common-wealth of England.
The Danish Ambassadors are departed
hence, laden with Complements, Civilities and
great presents, but very little contentment and
satisfaction in the main of this negotiation.
From Denmark no news at all by this Post, but
what was in my last advised.
From Dantzick April 23.
The Hollanders here will in no wise give credit
that the States of Holland and West Friesland
should have made application to the Parliament
for an Accommodation; which if it please God it
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