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Mercurius politicus, Number 152, 5th-12th May 1653 E.694[13]

Generall and his Councell of Officers, shewing
the Grounds and Reasons for dissolution
of the Parliament: And being satisfied
that the same (through Gods mercy) is tending
to the weal of the Republick, and
doubtless to the great satisfaction of all
godly persons, and welwillers to the Nation;
We thereupon thought it our Duties
to make known unto you, that we through
the Lords assistance shall stand or fall with
you, have begun, against all opposers
whatsoever (if any shall be) nothing
doubting, but that the Lord who made you
happy Instruments in purging, will also
own you in dissolving that Parliament, for
the just Reasons and grounds in your Declaration
expressed. We pray the Lord
to be you All in All. Thus, with our services
humbly presented, we remain
Your Lordships and Honors
humble Servants, & c.
Signed by the Judge Advocate, and
other general Officers Comptroller,
and the rest of the Officers of the
Train resident in Edenburgh.
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