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Mercurius politicus, Number 152, 5th-12th May 1653 E.694[13]

Moreover, the Lords have given over all hope of any good
to be don by the Heer Benningen in Sweden, as to the advantage
of these Provinces in the present Warr with Engl.
for, her Majesty hath declared that she will stand Neutrall:
Her Resident Apelboom at the Hague, hath insisted on her
offer of Mediation betwixt the two Republicks; to which an
Answer is given; that their Lordships desire her Majesty
would first feel the Puls of England, and send them an account
of the English inclination and temper, in reference to
the said Offer of Mediation, which Answer wil (its supposed
by many) give as little satisfaction to that Queen, as She
hitherto hath given to their Lordships.
The K. of Denmark also from whom most was expected,
is like as yet to appear as little as may be; he holds this
State in suspence, expects the promised supplyes according
to Agreement, or els, its thought, he will not be willing to
shew himself abroad this Summer. At least, not yet a while,
till he seeth the event of another Engagement; for the last
did starcle him. The D. of Glocester is bound hence for
France out of hand.
By the Commissioners of the Commonwealth of England,
for the Affairs of Ireland.
THe Declaration of his Excellency the Lo:Generall, and
his Councel of Officers coming to our knowledge, we
hold it our duty to publish the same unto all who are intrusted
with the managing of publick Affairs in this Country,
and to mind them that it is now their duty (more than
ordinary) notwithstanding the present Alteration, to Act
carefully and industriously in their severall Charges, and diligently
to discharge their respective Trusts, that the Common
Enemy may not have advantage from hence to work
new disturbance against the publick Peace and welfare: And
that such as are in the service of the Commonwealth in this
Land, must expect to be called to a strict Account for their
neglect therein.
And in regard the present posture of Affairs is such, as
extraordinarily concerns the Interest & welfare of all good
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