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Mercurius politicus, Number 152, 5th-12th May 1653 E.694[13]

people; we hold it our duty earnestly to exhort them unto
a special servent wrestling with the Lord by humble
Prayer and Supplication, for wisdom and strength unto
those his servants, on whom the burthen and care of preserving
the Commonwealth in Peace, and setling the same in
Righteousness, doth principally lie. For which end we do
appoint Wednesday the fourth of May next, and that day
sennight being the eleventh of May, to be set apart for
solemn seeking the face of the Lord by all his people in Ireland
on that behalf. Dated at Dublin, April 29. 1653.
Charles Fleet wood.
Miles Corbet.
Edm. Ludlow.
Jo Jones.
From the two Generals of the Fleet, aboard the
Resolution, off the Texel, May 5.
In ours of the second instant, we age an account of our
sailing with the Fleet toward the Coast of Holland, and
that we would endeavour to fight the Dutch before their
whole force should be embodyed, since which we are informed
by several fishermen taken by us upon this Coast,
that Van Tromp, with about eighty sail of men of war, and
a considerable number of Merchants Ships, is failed Northward:
whereupon, it was concluded at a Councel of war
held aboard us that day (as most conducing to the service)
that we should make all the sail we could after them, it being
supposed they may be overtaken upon the Coast of
Shetland or thereabouts; which we are accordingly putting
in Execution: And intending in our way thither to
keep the English shore on board; and having appointed
Humber River to be the place of Rendezvous, in case of
separation by foul weather, as also for the better direction
of other ships that shall come after us to finde us out; we
do desire, that what ships of war and other vessels laden
with provisions and victuals for the Fleet are now in
the River and ready to fail, may be sent to the place of
Rendezvous with all expedition.
From Bristol. May 9.
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