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Mercurius politicus, Number 157, 9th-16th June 1653 E.701[8]

question to be made of our integrity to the present
undertakings; for the making good of our former
ingagements to God and men, or render our
selves not unlike the carter, who was said to pray
in vain, because he put not his shoulder to the,
wheel. And though it become not us to be over
prodigal in breaking the ice to others, yet if we
follow our leaders herein as faithfully, as formerly
others have done, we doubt not but like indulgent
Parents, you will accept of our good will,
how weakly soever executed. We need not, as
we suppose, at this distance, promise more then
what our prayers and integrity to our particular
trust ties us to: we likewise believe, the Lord our
God will give you an active and excellent spirit,
to cast out every accursed thing, and to go on in
the establishment of Justice and Righteousness
to the Nation: in the pursuance whereof, we suppose
no publike spirit will prove sick of your superiority,
or fall into an emulating Feavor, for
your putting a period to the late Parliament,
some whereof were grown so dainty of their duties,
and deaf to our complaints, as if they had
resolved to live idly, and laugh at our distresses;
we hope the people may expect better fruits
from your endeavors, who well know upon what
terms you stand. Your Excellency and Honors,
have been necessitated to take much upon you,
for which much will be expected from you, and
we hope in the best sense, much ascribed to you,
otherwise all, your undertakings, like fair fruit,
in an unwholsome dish, or as the Apples of Sodom,
will consume untoucht or tasted. It would be needless
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