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Mercurius politicus, Number 159, 23rd-30th June 1653 E.703[8]

Mons. Chanut from hence many of the frenchmen
here doe begin to leave this court, amongst others the Phys[unr]iean
of the Quarters Majesty Mons. Bourdelot, being a
f[unr]ah also, and a great Promotor of that nation here;
who being presented by the Queenes Majesty with her
Picture, and a gift of ten thousand Richdollers besides, is
to depart presently, after the holy dayes, and to return for
France. We have newes here by severall letters of a
great Seasight between the English and Hollanders, and
being the Victory thereof, is ascribed unto the said English,
ft causeth great perplexity amongst those Hollanders
that are here, but the certainty and particulars thereof, being
not yet known, are expected by the next.
From Copenhagen, the 14. of June stilo novo.
From hence there is no newes for the present, but that the
lading of those English Ships, which were hitherto detained
by his Majesty is now; exposed to be sold, agreat quantity
thereof being bought already by one Marsellis a rich
merchant here:
The Lord Wentworth, being sent by the Scotch King on
Ambassadge hither to his Majesty, and having had privat
conference With the Ministers of stare, was yesterday with
great solemnity brought to the Court to his audience;
where having delivered his Message, to the King himselfe,
he was entertained by his Nobles and after wards with the
same state guarded to his lodging again; his proposalls
though nor yet known, yet may be easily conceived, and
therefore it is thought he will obtain out very small comfort
here. Our s[unr]et is now, allmost ready, being as is said
designed to goe to the Sword, for the defence of this Majesties
Sea-Ports and Domminions from all violent assauless.
From Regenborgh, the 2 dito, [unr]
The 5. Instant his Majesty the Emperour together, with
the new Elected Roman King, came hither from An is borgh,
The Prince-Electours who are first gon to Munchen, are
also daily expected, at whose coming the Coronation of
the said Roman King being appointed on the 18. of this
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