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Mercurius politicus, Number 159, 23rd-30th June 1653 E.703[8]

month) is to goe forward, and afterwards the
Emperor is to make his Proposition; yet as is
thought, not before the Queen of Sweden hath
fully restored that part of Pomerania which shee
keeps in her hands, unto the Duke of Brandenburg;
the Order thereunto being by an Express
from her Majesty daily expected. Her Majesty
the Empress hath presented the Lady of his
Highness the Paltzgrave with a very costly
and three Mules for to bring her back again to
Regensburgh or to Heidelberg, she being not resolved
not whither to goe.
West minister, June 24. Were performed the
Funerall Rites of Generall Deane, one of our late
Generals at Sea. His Corps were brought by
Water from Greenwich, attended by a great number
of Barges and other Boats, in mourning
Equipage. As he passed along, many hundreds
of great shot were discharged from the Ships,
the Tower, and other places upon the Thames,
where Cannon were placed in the way to Westminster.
Afterwards, his Corps being landed,
were honorably interred in the Abby of Westminster.
From Aire in Scotland, June 15.
We had intelligence, that on the last day of
May, at the Kirk of Killin, near the Laird of
Glennochie's house, there was a meeting of severall
considerable persons; viz. the Lord Balearis,
the Lord Lorne (Argile's son,) the Earle of
Olencarne, the Lord Loudoun, Sir Arthur Forbes,
with many more. It's reported they have a
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