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Mercurius politicus, Number 159, 23rd-30th June 1653 E.703[8]

Commission from Charls Stuart, and are bound
in a bond of secresie, and (worn to stand to one
another. They are gone to Glencarry, or thereabout,
to put their design in execution, whereof
we expect an accompt.
From Leith, June 19.
There are certain Clans in the Highlands, as
also some of their Fraternity in the Low-lands,
have their meetings at Loghaber, in order to the
raising of Forces in those parts upon the Royall
score. Glengary, Balsarris, Athole, Macdonald, Huntley,
and others, were in consultation lately for
that purpose; and 'tis said, the old Chancellour
Loudoun, and the Lord Lorne were there by
We hear likewise that there are certain Missives
taken, which discover the bottom of their
From Paris June 28. stilo novo.
The newes arrived at this Court iron Rome,
doth not please; for, it seems there hath been a
Match agreed on between one of the Pope's
Nieces, and a Nephew of the two Cardinals,
Francisco and Antonio Barbarini, who were formerly
fast friends to France in the Court of Ronn, but
are now like to fall off upon the conclusion of
this Mariage, and to side with Spain.
This accident hath much alter'd the spirit of
this Court in reference toward their behavior
to the Pope and his Messengers; insomuch that
the Nuntio that was sent hither about the imprisoned
Cardinal de Retz, and had been prohibited
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