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Mercurius politicus, Number 159, 23rd-30th June 1653 E.703[8]

from entring the Kingdom, hath now not onely
leave given Him to repair hither, but is Courted
and complemented with all possible Courtesie,
in hope it may induce him to be very moderate
in the executing of his Commission.
The Game is like to begin now in the Field,
the Prince of Conde having rendezvouzed his
men, arid being upon his Match toward Stnay,
after whom, its said, the Archduke Leopel intends
in person to follow, with the Spanish Army;
and when both the Armies are united, its
conceived they will make about 25 thousand
men, and that they wil make a speedy irruption
into France. On the other side, Marshall Turein
with the Kings Army, makes all possible preparations
to oppose their entry.
Here have been Letters which affirm the arivall
of the Spanish supplyes at Bordeaux, for relief
of that City, but yet the truth of those Avisoes
is suspected, though the Favourers of the
Prince of Conde doe mainly assert it, und boast,
that besides shipping, there is a supply of 1500.
Horse, and such a number of Foot, as will ináble
that City, not onely to secure it self, but to
take the Field this Summer. They boast like,
wise that the Deputies of Bordeaux which are
now in England, are in probability to obtaine,
not only Free Trade with England, but also som
succor from the English.
His Majesty is not yet gone to see his Army, as
it was believed he would have done, not so much
as returned yet from St German, The prime
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