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Mercurius politicus, Number 159, 23rd-30th June 1653 E.703[8]

From Dalkieth, June 21.
Captain Rudlce having conducted some provisions
to Innernes, putting out to sea as he returned,
met with two ships belonging to Embden,
which he hath brought in as prizes.
Col. Atkins his man of war hath also brought
in a Prize worth a thousand pounds.
From Paris, July 2. stilo novo.
It hath been written by several letters, that
though the grand supplies which are expected
to be sent by the Spaniards from St. Sebastians
to Bordeaux do not yet appear; yet some forerunners
have been seen, viz. three small Spanish
ships appearing before the River of Bordeaux
called the Garronne, making towards Cap de
Busch. But his Majesties Admiral the Duke of
Vendosme, sending time of his ships to | discover
them, gave them the chace, took two, and
put the third to flight, which had in her the monies
design'd for Bordeaux, but the Duke's ships
could not fetch her up, and so she escaped.
Yet this was not don without loss on the Dukes
side, who had a Vessell of 22 pieces of Ordnance
burnt; some say by accident, others by the Spaniards
There hath a new discovery been made at
Bourdeaux, of another treacherous design, to
betray the City into the Kings hands. The chief
Conspirators were seaven, who, being assisted
by others, had undertaken to deliver up the
Town to the Duke of Candals, General for the
King in those parts, who was to have advanced
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