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Mercurius politicus, Number 159, 23rd-30th June 1653 E.703[8]

to one of the Gates at an appointed time, there
to make his entry. The principals being taken
are to be hang'd. The people would have had
some of them burn'd alive for example, till their
fury was a little over.
This news was very unwelcome here at Court,
where they were very confident of mattering
Bourdeaux before the end of this month, expecting
the issue of this conspiracy. And now
being defeated of their hopes once again, it inrages
them against the said City; which they
vow to make an example to the whole Kingdom;
and so are like to proceed more violently
against it then ever.
On Monday the Court returned from St. Germans
hither, but it was midnight ere their Majesties
arrived; being staid at Ruel to see a
Masque that was prepared for them, and to receive
the divertisement of a most magnificent
It is certified that the Prince of Conde hath
now taken the field, and that he went from Brusels
with a fair traine of three hundred Walloons
on horseback, wearing his Livery, fifty Laqueys,
and six Pages, bearing Isabella colour, with white
Doublets, and two stately Coaches with six
Horses following them. Before them went many
excellent Saddle-horses, and fifty Chariels laden
with Baggage, with four hundred and fifty
thousand Livres in mony. And so departing in
this equipage, the Arch-Duke Leopold accompanied
him three leagues out of [unr]s, where
they bad each other farewel, with many assurance
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