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Mercurius politicus, Number 159, 23rd-30th June 1653 E.703[8]

of mutual love and friendship.
It is said, the whole Army of the Prince, marches
towards Stenay, and its given out, as if they
intended to attake Verdune in Lorrain.
On the other side, Marshal Tureine, is in 4 posture
to make opposition, having rendezvoused
his forces together with those under Marshall de
Ferie Seneterre, not far from Chalons, Champagne.
They are both now in the field near Retel, and it
is averted, that de Ferte Seneterre hath taken possession
of Retel. The Prince of Conde's friends
proclaim his single Army to be fifteen, thousand
men effective, be sides that Army which was to
have followed him under the conduct of the
Arch Duke Leopold, because the Count of Fuensaldagne
was sick; but now the said Count being
recovered, is to march a way, to second the
Prince with the like number, and to command
in Picardy.
It is given out as certain, that Charles Stuart
prepares to go for Brussels, to meet the Princes
of Orange, who is to take the waters at the Spaw.
He thought to have gone into Holland in Person,
to urge his own interest, but the event of the
last fight broke all his designs, as well as those of
Prince Rupert, who is to follow, him to Brussels.
From Amsterdam, June 26. stilo novo.
Here is a strange world in this Country, since
the late defeat given them at Sea. The great
design is (if possible to gain time for the making
up of another Fleet; and therefore having
determined to send four Commissioners into
England, some of them not being ready, they
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