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Mercurius politicus, Number 159, 23rd-30th June 1653 E.703[8]

hay: and to that end it is whispered in the ear so,
the people, that they are betraied by their Lords
that they had better days when they had a Prince.
The fault of all is laid upon the States misgovernment;
& so inferences are made by the sly Boutefeus,
and easily swallowd by the credulous rabble;
that there is a necessity of having a Head.
At Enchuysen there hath been such a tumult,
that they, declared for the Prince of Oramge, possessed
themselves of the Magazine, and have
planted Guns on the walls, not permitting any
Soldiers. to come in that were sent the her from
this town. They plundred a house belonging to
one of the Lords of the Admiralty, and erected
the Princes colours upon the waifs and Turrets.
The like tumult hath been at Horn and Mcdenblick;
and another also at Goes in Zealand, where
many outrages have been committed.
Even here in Amsterdam things are come to that
height, that they run a daily hazard of being
swallowed up by the Princes party. And at the
Hague differences have flown so high, that the
great ones (some of them) proceeded to great
words. The Princes vassals out-brave the other
to their faces. It is feared that part of the Navy,
or at least all that are in Zealand, will shortly declare
for the Orange Family. When the Drums
were beating in this Town for Seamen, the
Drummers were beaten because they Scried for
the States leaving out the Pr: of Orange, and upon
this occasion it was that the tumult first took fire
at Enebursen; so that per since the Prince must up
or nothing, unless some means be found out to
allay the humor.
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