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Mercurius politicus, Number 159, 23rd-30th June 1653 E.703[8]

From aboard the Resolution, off of the Texell,
June 20.
We are still in our old station, between the
Vlys and the Texell, having little of News to communicate;
onely two small vessels have been
lately taken, the one by Captain Vesse, the other
by the Advantage; the former having 4 chests of
Sugar, and the other lading Salts the other having
7 Lasts or Tarr, and about 200 Deals,
which are disposed of for the use of the Fleet.
Just in the instant comes in the Water-bound,
with another smal prize, called the John of Roterdam,
laden with wine, about to Tuns.
June 23 was observed by the Lord Generall and
Councell of State, as a day of solemn thanks giving
at Whitehall, and throughout the City of London,
for the late victory at Sea against the Dutch.
From Aberdene, June 15.
The Summer beginning to grow warm, out
Highland Files begin to appear. On the third and
fourth instant, there was a meeting at Rannocke in
the Highlands, where was the Earl Athole, Neaile,
Cambell, Lore Kentire, Seafort, son to the Marquis
of Argile, the Lord Belcarris, the Tutor of Strugin
Macronald of Repochie, M. O downe of Loghabor,
and Glengarle: they then appointed another
meeting about Glengaries bounds, which is to be
held this day or to morrow; it is said by some,
that they intend suddenly to be in Arms; and by
others, that their next meeting will end with directions
to all the Clans to observe their Commands.
They talk much of the execution of some
Irish lately taken by the English Army, and endeavour
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