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Mercurius politicus, Number 159, 23rd-30th June 1653 E.703[8]

to perswade the people that they being
friends to the King as well as the rest, are like to
tast of the same sawce.
From Orkney thus.
There being a privat man of war belonging to
Capt. Brassie, and commanded by one Capt. Edwards,
who coming from Ai e, anchored at the
Lovis Island, and sent his Lieutenant with 7 or 8
men ashore for some fresh meat which was promised
him by some of the Gentlemen as he faith,
that came on board of him; but the inhabitants
made stop of all with his boat. And when he
made signs from off aboard, for the boat to return,
they sent him a Summons, a Copy whereof
is here in closed. You may be assured of the
truth hereof. The Country people say that the
Lord Seafort is broke out and declared for the
King. The Lord of Plackedy, and the Lord of
Tachut, his friends and Curitors, with someothers,
are prisoners at Innerness, till they produce
the liberty of the Seamen taken in Lewis Island.
We are now taking the field, and shall be in readiness
to entertain our Hilghand friends. The
death of General Dean hath some what lately incouraged
them, but I hope next news will as
much daunt their. I am credibly informed Humly
hath been amongst them.
A Copy of the Summons.
BEing incited, not only by Conscience and Honors to
stand, firmly to the principles of Loyalcie, bat also disdaining
even in rationall Interest, to stoop to such a wavering
and servile Power as now Ruleth, I have laid hold on those
men come ashore, as promoving the same: wherefore
I summon you to deliver your Vessel for his Majesties
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