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Mercurius politicus, Number 192, 9th-16th February 1654 E.729[14]

of these things, there is like to be great
Troubles, the Gentry venting themselves with
much eagerness against some publick Ministers,
and likewise against the Queen herself, charging
her with the Transportation of this Treasure,
whereby shee hath provided a Bank for her self
and Favorites.
From the Hague, February 4. S.N.
There is a flying Report in Town, that the
English Frigat which went to carry Monsieur
Beverning back to England, should be cast away
and Beverning drowned; but there is no certainty
of it; I hope the contrary, This day I saw a
Copy of a very sharp Letter from the Emperor
to the States, concerning the Restauration of
all Goods and Priviledeges belonging to the Order
of St Jean, which doth import very much, it
may perchance bring a War between Them and
the Emperor, which would prove very prejudiciall
to these Countries I presume this is the
work of the Brandenburgher, and the House of
From Bristall, February 6.
We have little here since my last. A Brest-man
of Warr of Twenty two Gunns lyes in our
Channells; whereby the residue of our Cadiz-ships
that lie in Ireland, are in some danger:
This day I am informed of a Truth that now
in Monmouth-shire, near Ragland, in an Orchard,
an Apple-tree hath had green Leaves,
Budds, and young Apples. These are strange
Variations of the Seasons.
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