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Mercurius politicus, Number 192, 9th-16th February 1654 E.729[14]

of York; but the Queen of France hindered that; and
told her the Duke of York was too high a person for her,
being son to a King, and, a Kings brother, so she is now
contented to marry de Nemours.
Last week the King sent for Mr. Marshal de Shambert to
come to Court, to which he obeyed; but when he was to
depart, the Inhabitants of that Town, and those of Metz,
told him plainly, if he left them out, that they would lock
the Gates after him, and never admit him again, and that
they would shew him and the Cardinal, that they were able
to defend themselves: upon which he stayed and sent
his excuse to the King, he being Governour of both those
The Prince Francis de Loraine, Cozen to the Duke of
Loraine, and Bishop of Verdun, parted hence yesterday to
Verdum; his Majesty having given him that Bishopprick
to be his.
We hear of a great plot discovered in Flanders; that
some People were to murder the Arch-Duke, and Prince
de Conde, and that twelve men were committed for it, and
that the Arch-Duke, have sent their informations and sentence
of death to the King of Spain, to be confirmed and
sent to the Parliament of Malines back, to be put in execution,
we expect the confirmation of it by the next.
Its reported Prince Conde his forces have take Dinan,
a place in Payes de Liege, and pillaged it for having received
Cardinal. Mazarin, when he was banished hence; others
say, the Inhabitants gave them 60. m. livers, not to
ruine them wholly.
We hear the Emperour sent several Troopes of Horse
to the Elector of Collen, and Duke De Loraine to oppose
Conde his violence there Its written hither from Holland,
that the Princess Royall, With her son, goes to keep
their Court in Breda; by reason she sees the Provinces of
Holland, Zeland, and Frizland, assembling, and joyning
together, for to conclude the peace with the Commonwealth
of England.
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