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Mercurius politicus, Number 192, 9th-16th February 1654 E.729[14]

From Chester, February 4.
By the late Letters from Dublin we hear, that
things thereabout at present are very quiet.
The Irish of late have had a generall Fast; the
occasion is not known, but to themselves. Some
few desperate Tories are yet doing mischief in
Munster: and some sculking in Wicklow, snap'd
about a dozen of our Surveyors.
From Sear-Castle, February 5.
The Newcastle Frigat brought into Birdlington
bay, a small Dutch Pirate of 6 Guns, and 50
Men, which had taken some Collyers upon this
Coast, about 12 dayes since. The Captain and
Men are sent to York Gaole.
Whitehall, February 9.
His Highness the Lord Protector hath appointed
certain dayes every week, to receive
Reports from the Matter of Requests, concerning
such Petitions as are presented to them, and
to give Answers.
Col. Mackwortk Governer of Shrews bury, is by
his Highness added to the Councill.
Mr Recorder Steel, Mr Nudigate, Mr Twisden,
Mr Maynard, and Mr Hugh Windbam, are made
Serjeants at Law. Serjeant Hales is made a Judg
of the Common-pleas; and its conceived other
new Judges will be made.
From Dalkeish, February 5.
After the Enemies departure put of B[unr]genoth,
we had this Account of their proceeding there,
That they got 3 men from every 4 Ploughes in
the Country, except those near the Garison of
Rathuen, but many of them are since come back,
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