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Mercurius politicus, Number 191, 2nd-9th February 1654 E.729[1]

things, it is to be wondered, that many
Protestants are admitted to places of some honour,
and more profit: There is now at present
in this City the Earl of Harcourt his Secretary,
and one from the Marshal Seneterre; therefore
now a Treaty is in hand concerning the Agreement
between the Courtand the said Earl touching
Alsatia, there hath been some progress made
in it, but nothing agreed upon. During this
Treaty the siege of Beffort goeth on with as
much gallantry as may be expected, considering
the season, and the great opposition of the Besieged,
who neither spare valour nor labour in
the defence of that place. The Marshal Ferte is
dayly seen in the Trenches, thereby to animate
the Souldiers; so that it is expected in a short
time you will hear of the surrender of that place.
The great preparations made at Toulon goeth
on, and it is variously reported to what intent it
is; for some will have it for to get the mastery
of the Seas in the Streights; others will have it
onely in part that way and the other part to be
sent to the aid of the Venetian State; but some
who do think themselves wisest, believe that it
doth run upon the old designe for Naples; and
for a confirmation of the same, it is observed that,
the Duke of Guise doth make mony at all hands,
having sold and pawned suck things whereby to
raise a very considerable sum of moneys, and we
do hear that he is to go from hence within this
month: but of this more by the next. The Pope
see meth to be very busie about the making a general
peace between us and Spain, and the other
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