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Mercurius politicus, Number 191, 2nd-9th February 1654 E.729[1]

Allies; and to that end, we are told of an extraordinary
Nuntio that is now on his journey hither;
another also being sent into Spain: Our
Ambassadour from Rome is to be here the next
week; and now all things are ready for the dancing
of the great Balet, which will be between
this and Shrove Tuesday: and for the consecrating
of the young King it will not be so soon as
was expected.
From Brussels the 8 of February.
We are very barren of News in these parts at
present, and here is nothing to advise you of, but
the sad condition of the Country of Liege; which
is like to be ruined by the Troops of several parties,
who are now lodged therein. The Duke of
Loraine hath quartered his Troops there, partly
by consent & partly by force, under pretence (as it
is said) that the States of the Country did invite
him to come there; because their Prince the Bishop
of Liege did govern altogether absolutely,
and against the Laws & Priviledges of their Country,
so that he was come to redress their grievances,
and to breed a good understanding between
the Bishop and his people. On the other hand,
the Troops of the Prince of Conde do pretend
that those of Leige are affected to the French,
that they hold correspondence with them, and
that they are the Lorainers that do betray them,
wheresoever they come, and that they do them
all the mischief they can possibly contrive against
them; therefore they are come to secure
them and their Country from being made a prey
of by the Lorainers. Now there is a third and
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