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Mercurius politicus, Number 206, 18th-25th May 1654 E.738[4]

up two lately as Spyes, and caused an Inn in
Musselborough, which received & concealed them,
to be burnt down to the ground. He marched
yesterday from hence toward Sterling, and thence
he goes to take the field.
Since the concluding of the Dutch peace, the
enemy is much broken in point of resolution,
and their Adherents and Favorers are not so
ranting, as heretofore, in their expressions; for
they were made still to believe, that great supplies
would be brought them out of the Low-Countreys.
From Paris, May 23. stilo novo.
Preparations are now in a manner completed,
for carrying on his Majesties service in the field;
the Prince of Conti is gone hence with considerable
Recruits toward Catalonia, which being united
with the old Forces, will much expedite the affairs
of that Kingdom or Province.
The fortifications go on still on all sides, upon
the sea-coasts of this Kingdom, because of the
English Fleet, which put France upon its guard;
because a great storm hovers upon the sea, and
none knows where it will fall, nor will these fears
and jealousies be over, till it be known what the
issue of the French Treaty will be in England.
Upon this consideration it is, that Charls Stuart
and his brothers, take encouragement, and are
not without such shews of countenance and favours
from this Court, as Complement and
Courtship amounts to. They have lately visited
the King and great ones, and been re-visited by
them; and no doubt but many more the like
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